It just keeps getting better and better! Hello 2017! HOPE Agency has some exciting updates to share. And the first one, well, is that we are officially “blogging”! Yes – we have entered an era where we are embracing changes by the second and learning and incorporating ways to get those changes out to everyone in various platforms. Another exciting update is that we now have expanded our career ladder and added two Mentors! Krystal Arleaux and Terry Farrell will be helping acclimate our newest direct support professionals to HOPE Agency. “Becoming a mentor answered a desire I had to be more involved with HOPE. Mentoring is a way for me to share my feelings, talents, and philosophy on how much I believe in HOPE”, writes Terry. Krstyal shared, “As a direct care professional at HOPE for the last 9 years I have come to love the atmosphere and core values that are synonymous with Honoring Opportunities for Personal Empowerment. I am super excited to have the opportunity to share those values with the new faces of the HOPE team. “ Thanks Krystal and Terry for sharing your gifts with our newest professionals!
This is a role that all of our direct support professionals do every day, modeling skills, using positive supports to encourage and support our participants to reach their goals. So, another huge round of applause to those that share their light with others. “There are two ways of spreading light: To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” Edith Wharton